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Cargo - Production Cover


Feature Film

After a car crash knocks him unconscious, a man wakes up to find that his wife has died and turned into a zombie. He leaves the car, grabs his young daughter from the rear, and realizes that his wife bit him while he was unconscious. After an emotional goodbye to his wife, he sets off to find survivors.

Knowing that he does not have much time left before he turns into a zombie, he puts his daughter in a baby sling, binds his hands to a pole, and attaches carrion to the end of the pole. After he collapses, he rises again as a zombie, and, drawn by the lure of the carrion on the pole, continues his journey. Drawn by a balloon that he attached to himself, a sniper shoots down the man, and several survivors approach on foot. Two male survivors beckon their companion to join them in digging a grave for the man, but the female survivor investigates further, eventually finding the baby.

Starring: Martin Freeman (Sherlock, Captain America: Civil War, Fargo, The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies & The Desolation of Smaug & An Unexpected Journey, Shaun of the Dead, The Office, Love Actually). Anthony Hayes (Redfern Now: Promise Me, Gallipoli, The Rover, Healing, Secrets & Lies, Jack Irish: Bad Debts, The Slap, Sea Patrol, Killing Time, Beneath Hill 60, Animal Kingdom). Caren Pistorius (Denial, The Light Between Oceans, Slow West, Redfern Now, Offspring, Paper Giants: Magazine Wars, The Blue Rose).

DirectorBen Howling & Yolando Ramke
DOPGeoffrey Simpson ACS
ProductionSally Clarke
Production CompanyCauseway Films

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