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Hardball S1 - Production Cover

Hardball S1

Television Series

HARDBALL is a 13 x 30min live action comedy series that follows fish-out-of-water MIKEY and his two misfit mates, SALWA and JERRY. Their goal? Make Mikey the sweetest-bestest-acest handball champ Western Sydney’s ever seen. He’s got the most powerful strike in the world, if only he could make the ball land in the right suburb. Hardball is fast-paced, full of lol’s and crammed with action-packed sport sequences – aimed squarely at 7 – 10 year olds, they’ll be charmed by Mikey and his chums.

Starring;  Sam Alhaje (Rake, Hidden Peaks, Here Come the Habibs!, Nameless” Blood and Chains, Facing Evil, Deadly Women. Housemates).

DirectorDarren Ashton, Kacie Anning and Fadia Abboud
DOPNicholas Owens
ProductionJacqueline King, Joe Weathersone
Production CompanyNorthern Pictures

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