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Here Come the Habibs - Production Cover

Here Come the Habibs

Television Series

Fou Fou Habib won $22 Million in the lottery, and bought a house (mansion) next door to the O’Neill family. A Comedy satire of both Lebanese and British background Aussies.

Starring: Helen Dallimore (Body in the yard, Wonderland, House Husbands, The Moodys, A Moody Christmas, Laid, Midsomer Murders, All Saints). Michael Denkha (6 Days, The Code, Soul Mates, Rake, Down Under, Catching Milat, East West 101, All Saints, Home and Away, The Alice, Stealth). Camilla Ah Kin (Holding the Man, Rake, Stupid Stupid Man, All Saints, Going Home, Murder Call).

DirectorDarren Ashton
DOPNic Owens, Dan Maxwell
ProductionJason Burrows, Chloe Rickard, Michelle Russell
Production CompanyJungle, Network Nine

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