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Limitless - Production Cover



A different way we can live better for longer: regenerating damage, maximizing strength, building resilience, shocking the body, supercharging memory and confronting mortality.

Chris Hemsworth embarks on an epic mission to transform himself by training for six extraordinary challenges, showing how to fight aging at every stage of life – and in doing so discovers how we can all live healthier, smarter and longer lives.

Each episode will tackle a different way we can live better for longer: regenerating damage, maximizing strength, building resilience, shocking the body, supercharging memory and confronting mortality. Hemsworth will meet leading longevity scientists who believe that the key to staying young lies in rooting out and reversing the ravages of time before they take hold, and learn secrets from superhumans who demonstrate the mind-blowing extent of human potential. In “Limitless,” Hemsworth will come face-to-face with his own mortality, testing ways to extend his healthy life in challenges that will stretch his physical and mental abilities.



Starring: Chris Hemsworth (Extraction 2, Furiosa, Thor: Love and Thunder, Escape from Spiderhead, Wat I…?, James and The Giant Peach with Taika and Friends, Extraction, Jay and Silent Bob Reboot, Men in Black: International,  Avengers: Endgame, Bad Times at the EI Royale, Avengers: Infinity War, 12 Strong, Thor: Ragnarok).









DirectorKit Lynch Robinson
DOPSteve Lidgerwood
ProductionStuart Scowcroft
Production CompanyNutopia, Protozoa Pictures for National Geographic Channel

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