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Spooky Files S2 - Production Cover

Spooky Files S2

Television Series

THE SPOOKY FILES is a fun, spooky, adventure-filled look at the universal experience of childhood fears. With an irresistible blend of contemporary characters and retro delights from the 80s and 90s, The Spooky Files will appeal to today’s savvy audience who love a big mystery, lots of laughs and just the right amount of scary!

Starring: Lennox Lee (White Fever, Plausible Deniability, Fire Rabbit.)

Audrey Salinas (Angel of Mine, Drum Wave.)

Guy Edmonds (Hardball, Super Awesome!, Awkward Hors.)

DirectorCraig Irvin, Leticia Cáceres, Guy Edmonds, Matt Zeremes, Sarah Hickey
DOPDarrell Martin ACS
ProductionPaul Watters, Paul Walton
Production CompanyTAP, Megaboom Pictures for ABC ME

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