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Wog Boys Forever - Production Cover

Wog Boys Forever

Feature Film

Steve is still single and working as a taxi driver. Brianna Beagle-Thorpe, the Minister for Immigration, hatches a plan with her brother to exact their revenge on Steve for destroying their late mother Raelene’s political career.

Starring: Nick Giannopoulos  (Fat Pizza vs. Housos, The Kings of Mykonos, The Wannabes, Eisai to tairi mou!, Pizza, The Wog Boy, Li’l Elvis and the Truckstoppers, Acropolis Now, Hull, 100% Wool).

Vince Colosimo (Double or Nothing, Girl at the Window, Occupational Rainfall, Reef Break, Doctor Doctor, The Second, Chopper: The Untold Story, The Ex-PM, Sunshine, Offspring, The Warriors, It’s a Date, Janet King, Jack Irish: Dead Point, Fat Tony & Co, The Great Gatsby).

Sarah Roberts (Home and Away, Discover Indie Film, After the End, Method, UNindian, Footballer Wants a Wife, Nowhere Bosy, Neighbours, Jack Irish: Dead Point, INXS: Never Tear us Apart ).


DirectorFrank Lotito
DOPCraig Barden ACS
ProductionNick Giannopoulos, Nelson Khoury
Production CompanyG. O. Films

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